
DMG Supra Details

What are the benefits of Dimethylglycine?

  • Dimethylglycine (DMG) is an amino acid found naturally in plant and animal cells and in many foods such as beans, cereal grains, brown rice, pumpkin seeds, and liver. dmg 1
  • DMG SUPRA is a liquid formula to support immune system health and function in dogs and cats. An adaptogen that helps the body cope with various forms of stress,
  • DMG supports performance by enhancing circulation and efficient oxygen utilization. Through its ability to lower lactic acid build-up, DMG is known to support stamina.
  • It supports the production of intracellular glutathione and SAMe, and supplies methyl groups for the building and normal detoxification processes of many bodily constituents like neurotransmitters, hormones, and vitamins.
  • DMG helps to strengthen the immune response when the body is confronted by foreign antigens and microorganisms. Clinical studies show that DMG supports lymphocyte and antibody production.
  • DMG has been used in both the human and veterinary health worlds for over 30 years with no adverse or negative side effects.


Is DMG safe for pets?

DMG SUPRA is a liquid formula to support immune system health and function in dogs and cats. An adaptogen that helps the body cope with various forms of stress, DMG supports performance by enhancing
circulation and efficient oxygen utilization.


The Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6)

SUPRA Mineral supplies essential fatty acids (EFAs) in all natural vegan form. EFA’s are “good fats” vital to the flexibility and fluidity of all cells. EFA’s play major role in groth and repair of the skin, blood vessels, and nerve tissues. They are needed to build, maintain and repair cell membranes.


What conditions can Dimethylglycine treat in pets?

Liver disease.
Neurological disorders.
Immune response deficiencies.
Autoimmune disorders.
Cardiovascular problems.